Web Design Blog

Your website or a website that your company hosts is violating the copyright protected images owned by our company

I've been getting these spammy messages through my contact forms lately, figured I would share so that others don't get rattled by this type of nonsense. 


I made the following video to walk through and discuss the traditional "hamburger" menu as it compares to the Off-Canvas sidebar.

The short version is the off-canvas sidebar option gives a lot more power: it can be used for more than just the mobile menu. 

Watch the video to discover the ins and outs!  

Google Analytics: Not Worth It?

Written by Nate Covington

Lately I've been wondering if the Google Analytics script is going extinct. A recent political campaign gave me some statistics to examine, and I'm having a tough time reconciling Google Analytics data with my web server stats.  It seems the web server, and the CMS, are reporting a lot more traffic than Google recognizes, likely because Google Analytics' script is blocked by many ad block scripts, privacy oriented browsers, etc.

Google is announcing Core Web Vitals will become ranking signals in May 2021 in an update that will also combine existing UX-related signals.

The ‘page experience’ signal combines Core Web Vitals with the following signals:

  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Safe-browsing
  • HTTPS-security
  • Intrusive interstitial guidelines

Core Web Vitals were introduced earlier this and are designed to measure how users experience the speed, responsiveness, and visual stability of a page.

My client forwarded me this scam-solicitation earlier today and I am posting it as a warning to everyone - watch out for this "Web Envy Solutions" based out of Stafford, TX.  

The interesting part about this particular scam is they didn't email it to my client: they FAXED it!  

Reasons to Ditch Gmail for ProtonMail

Written by Nate Covington

End-to-end encryption is one of the key features promised by ProtonMail, with a zero-access setup ensuring that not even ProtonMail can see what your messages are about. What’s more, the code and cryptography that ProtonMail is built on open source and available for anyone to see, so there’s no chance of any back doors being hidden away.

On top of the encryption, the service offers other features designed to protect your privacy. You don’t need to provide any personal details when you sign up, for example, and ProtonMail doesn’t keep IP logs of your account access. There’s also the option to set an expiration date for sent email messages, so you can use your email account more like you use Snapchat.

I noticed recently that a handful of sites had broken pagination: clicking through "Page 1 - 2 - 3 - 4" at the bottom of my blog pages, for example, were leading to URL issues where it didn't matter if you clicked on Page 3 or page 4, both pages were linking to /page-2.html or similar.

Deciding whether or not to show the number of or "hits" or "views" that an article has received is easy with Joomla: you toggle them globally, and on a per-article basis. So if you have an blog with relatively low traffic, but you have a popular article where you want to show how a hit counter, it's easy: disable the view count globally and enable it for the individual article.

After a while, this starts to get old, because you generally post an article without the hit counter showing and then if it gets a lot of traffic, you want to turn it on.

General Strategy: Multiple "Wallets"

Your day-to-day wallet will probably be tied to a centralized bitcoin exchange, like a Coinbase account. With Coinbase, you can create multiple wallet addresses under a single account (suppose you have 3 or 4 businesses, each could have their own Wallet Address that gets used for receiving payments). I think of Coinbase as your starting point: you'll most likely be using Coinbase to convert your $USD-based checking account funds into Bitcoin (or whichever cryptocurrency you choose).

Create your free Coinbase account now!
(affiliate link)


Your second wallet should be created manually, not connected with Coinbase. 

Continue reading this article on my blog...

A client recently received this letter with CORRECT domain expiration date and no clear "SOLICITATION" warning. 

In the text I circled the only actual disclaimer stating "This notice is not a bill, it is rather an easy means of payment should you decide to switch your domain name registration to Domain Registry.  

The real scam here is they were trying to charge $50/year for domain registration!  This should be lower, more like $10-20/year depending on whether you have a dot-com or dot-org or something else.  

Latest Comments

Got a similar email that seemed suspicious. Ignored it and they even followed up today.
My organization received one of these emails from "Linda," but uses https://www.bestprosintown.com/p...
Hi Nate, I got the same email template from the same email address today and found you through a ...
Just received one today (16 Aug 2022) from "Mailchimp". Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for posting this. I just got one today. I was 99% sure it was a scam, and your post confirmed...

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