Tuesday, 26 November 2013 02:19

A Lesson in SEO: Client Rescued from Flash

“Now, people are calling and saying they found my site through an internet search.”
- Chris Pip, owner of CP Construction

We recently rebuilt this website for a local contractor and wanted to share the results.  


This site was initially built using Flash, which was popular before the days of iPhones and iPads.  It was used to build nice animations but today is more known for draining batteries and having security updates.

Here it is now:

Search engines had such a tough time indexing the pages that searching directly for the business name would not even locate the site.  We’ve built the site using search-engine-friendly techniques:


Now, the site comes up first in the search results:


Contact us if you’re interested in hiring us to help build your online presence.

Last modified on Tuesday, 26 November 2013 02:27
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Got a similar email that seemed suspicious. Ignored it and they even followed up today.
My organization received one of these emails from "Linda," but uses https://www.bestprosintown.com/p...
Hi Nate, I got the same email template from the same email address today and found you through a ...
Just received one today (16 Aug 2022) from "Mailchimp". Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for posting this. I just got one today. I was 99% sure it was a scam, and your post confirmed...

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