Hi Nate,
I have a small clothing business for both male and female, now am trying to expand the business and i want you to build an informational website for it for advertisement and to increase my sales rate.
I need you to checkout this site but i need something more perfect than this if possible, http://www.missrebel.co.uk.
The site would only be informational, so i need you to get back to me with an estimate for the web design, the estimate should include hosting and i want the site to have not more than 8 pages since it is informational.i have a private project graphic designer,he has the text content, images and the logos for the site.
1. I want only English language
2. I don't have a domain yet but i want the domain name as bwwears.com or bbwears.co
3.You will be updating the site for me.
4. I will be proving the images,logos and content for the site.
5. I want the site up and running before ending of March.
6. My budget is $2000 to $8000 Kindly get back to me with:
(1) an estimate
(2) I will like to know if you are the owner ?
(3) I will like you to get back to me with your cell phone number
Bob (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
He later emailed me addressing me "Brian" which raised some suspicions. I googled his email address and found the above-linked "Team Tree House" forum post. Hopefully this post is helpful to someone...
Edit 3/5/18 -
Alex notified me he encountered a similar scam / situation.