Wednesday, 18 August 2010 15:48

How to Force Users to Login before Downloading K2 Item Attachments

One of the great uses that K2 (Joomla Component) claims that their system can do is act as a download manager.  However, it does not have the ability to restrict downloads to only logged-in users.  I needed a system where we could display the K2 item, with a preview and description, but not actually let them download the attachments.  This was not achievable using just the included K2 parameters / settings, so I made this hack:

/com_k2/templates/templatename/item.php (line 364)

Download the attachment (Item.php K2 Template Modification Code) for the actual changes you need to make.

(note: stock, this will appear in your K2 component folder (/components/com_k2).  You SHOULD be creating a template override (/templates/yourtemplate/html/) using the technique described here.

Last modified on Monday, 18 April 2022 15:47
Comments (2)
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Going to try it out. If it works I will holla back.

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Thanks for the code, looking forward to testing it...

I hope you also appreciate the irony of offering a script to prevent downloads of attachments without registration, as an attachment that can be downloaded without registration ;-)

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