Tuesday, 29 November 2011 18:25

Tired of BUYING envelopes? Get them for free when you buy stamps from USPS!

If you're running a business, you probably use good ole' stamps and envelopes for a variety of purposes: checks, invoices, direct mail, letters, etc.  The last time I sent out a direct mail piece, it consisted of a personal letter, a small trifold brochure, and a business card.  I sent 1000 of them, which translated into two boxes of 500 envelopes from Staples.  The cost, just for envelopes?  About $70.

Not anymore.  The friendly clerk at my local post office told me that I could get free, personalized envelopes, if I purchase them through the US Postal Service.  So now, I can buy 500 envelopes (with postage) for $220.  You can, too!

Learn more:

Last modified on Tuesday, 29 November 2011 18:27
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Got a similar email that seemed suspicious. Ignored it and they even followed up today.
My organization received one of these emails from "Linda," but uses https://www.bestprosintown.com/p...
Hi Nate, I got the same email template from the same email address today and found you through a ...
Just received one today (16 Aug 2022) from "Mailchimp". Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for posting this. I just got one today. I was 99% sure it was a scam, and your post confirmed...

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