Thursday, 07 October 2010 21:24

3 Ways Joomla can make a Chamber of Commerce Web site more effective

1.  Enhanced visibility for your members and yourself.

Build your own online community and news portal.  Let your members advertise on the site.  Manage all of your members’ directory listings, contact information, and site content through a web-based control panel.  Visitors will be able to search your directory by zip code or keyword. Some of the latest third-party extensions for Joomla, like the K2 Framework, make managing content a breeze!  [Video]

2.  Online payment processing for membership dues, donations, and events.

Automatically send email reminders to past-due members for payment.  Offer online payments through PayPal,, 2Checkout, or other supported platforms.  Do your members pay with cash or check?  No problem, offline payments are supported as well.  Your members’ information is stored in a database, so we can connect Joomla with third-party platforms.

3.  Delegate Maintenance & Updating Responsibilities.

As an administrator, you will have access to edit all parts of the site.  You can also assign staff or committee members access to edit their respective pages.

If you’re interested in making your web site more powerful, contact us to schedule a phone consultation and demonstration of the software.

Last modified on Friday, 12 November 2010 14:28
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Got a similar email that seemed suspicious. Ignored it and they even followed up today.
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