Wednesday, 30 June 2010 17:50

Joomla content management made easy with K2

I've put this video together to showcase some of the newest and greatest features of K2, a popular extension for Joomla CMS.  If you already have a Joomla site, watch this video to see how easy the K2 framework can make it for you to work with images, galleries, videos, custom fields, and attachments.

If you don't already have a Joomla site, you're really missing out! :-)


  1. I didn't rehearse or practice when making this video.  It's a "rough cut" so don't act surprised when you hear my phone vibrate or my computer chime when receiving email.
  2. This is NOT an in-depth look at any code, so if you are a programmer and are familiar with K2, you might not learn much from this video.



Shameless plug:

I am available for hire - I work through ad agencies as well as directly for businesses in developing custom, open-source solutions.  I can work with stock templates or with artwork that you provide.  Contact me today for a free consultation and estimate.

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Last modified on Wednesday, 24 August 2022 20:17
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Got a similar email that seemed suspicious. Ignored it and they even followed up today.
My organization received one of these emails from "Linda," but uses
Hi Nate, I got the same email template from the same email address today and found you through a ...
Just received one today (16 Aug 2022) from "Mailchimp". Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for posting this. I just got one today. I was 99% sure it was a scam, and your post confirmed...

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