Monday, 10 May 2010 13:03

How to connect RSForm Pro to PayPal using a custom amount field

I recently built a "Make a Payment" form for my clients using the RSForm Joomla extension and a little custom scripting.

I used the following fields:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Invoice number (This is not required)
  • Amount
  • Submit

Here is the script which is called on form process:


if (isset($_POST['form']['Amount']))
$business = This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.';
$item_name = 'Payment on Invoice Number'.$_POST['form']['InvoiceNumber'];
$currency_code = 'USD';
$amount = $_POST['form']['Amount'];

EDIT: I realized that the email notifications were not sending using this method.  If you also want the email notifications to go out, move this PHP code to the "call AFTER form process" box in RSForm.

BONUS READING: Connecting RSForm and Paypal using recurring payments

Last modified on Wednesday, 20 April 2022 18:36
Comments (7)
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I did exactly as you have done, but my submit button doesnt take me anywhere. could you please guide me, my e-mail is

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@Ash -

Confirm that you are using a "Submit Button" in RSForm, and not a "Standard Button"?

Nate Covington
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hi thank you for your response, now it does not take me to paypal, just shows that your form has been submitted. please let me know

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Did you add the PHP code to this box in the RSForm "Script" tab?

"Script called after form has been processed"

It sounds like your form is set up just to send an email. You might also want to clear the "Return URL" option, if you have anything...

Did you add the PHP code to this box in the RSForm "Script" tab?

"Script called after form has been processed"

It sounds like your form is set up just to send an email. You might also want to clear the "Return URL" option, if you have anything set there.

Nate Covington
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thank you for all the help, i figured it out finally.

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Many thanks for the custom PayPal instructions! Very helpful.

But how do i set up "Amount' to accept payments including 2 decimal points? At the moment the 'Amount' only works throught to PayPal if it is integer whole number without inavalid...

Many thanks for the custom PayPal instructions! Very helpful.

But how do i set up "Amount' to accept payments including 2 decimal points? At the moment the 'Amount' only works throught to PayPal if it is integer whole number without inavalid error?

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Mike - I just tested the "Payments" form on this site to use an amount with a decimal. It worked fine. What is the exact error message you are seeing? Is your form online somewhere that I can test it?

Nate Covington
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